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Drop Off & Pickup

Our drop-off and pick-up procedures are in place to keep all students and families safe on their way to and from school. We appreciate your cooperation with these guidelines.

Vehicle Drop Off and Loading (Zone 3)

The vehicle drop-off and loading zone is at the front of the school. Students may be dropped off beginning at 8:25. Students must exit and enter vehicles on the passenger side of the car only. If you are running late (after 8:45 AM), please park your car and walk your child to the main office. If you are picking up your child after school, you may use the designated curb pickup area or park in a marked parking space in the main parking lot. Please use the crosswalk and sidewalks and please do not park or wait in the fire lanes. 

Walking to and from School

Many of our students walk to and from school. For their safety, we encourage them to walk in groups. If you are going to meet your child and walk home with them, there are two meeting points:

  • Zone 1: Walkers in the neighborhood to the north of Glacier Park 
  • Zone 4: Walkers in neighborhoods accessed by 280th Street

Alternate Modes of Transportation

Students may ride bicycles and scooters to school. If your child will be riding a bike/scooter, please ensure that they wear a helmet and that they lock their bike/scooter in the bike rack in the bus lanes. Bikes, scooters and skateboards need to be dismounted and walked while on campus and shoes with wheels must have the wheels put away while on the school campus.

Loading/Unloading Zones

Zone 1

Parent Pick up for walkers, and independent walkers only for the path toward SE 277th

Zone 2

Bus lanes. All teachers walk student past the bus lines and drop students off at their bus.

Bus Waiting Area

IF the bus has not arrived there will be a bus sign and supervision until the bus arrives.

Zone 3

Parent CAR pick up only

Zone 4

Parent pick up for walkers, and independent walkers only for crossing SE 280th

Additional Information

  • Teachers please walk students to Zone 1, the buses (Zone 2) and car pick up (Zone 3).
  • Students may be dismissed through the building to walk to EEP and to Zone 4
  • Zone 4 can be accessed by students exiting the recess doors by the 400 pod through the Zone 4 gate.